• Name

    Mark Watke
  • Email address

  • 1 Corinthians 16:14
  • Undergraduate

    BFA, Augusta University, Georgia, US
  • Graduate

    MSc, University of Dundee, Scotland, UK
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Kisses from Katie

A year ago, a special agent at SLED who I met through a mutual friend reached out to me to give me a leg up about a job there. Sure enough, I was probably the first one to apply for the position. Unfortunately that didn’t pan out. I’ve been doing some soul searching and in reading Kisses from Katie, I think I’ve started to find some answers. In her book, Katie uses the story of the velveteen rabbit to illustrate how God has been loving on her. I can see that God has been loving on me too in the same way, pulling my stuffing out to try and make me real. I know that God wants me to be okay with that. I can say that I’ve been very blessed with the opportunities I have had. I can only imagine what God will do for me next. In the end, I know that God is in control. Although I haven’t finished it yet, I highly recommend this book.